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Born 1950, from Kolkata, India, studied at Hindu school and St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata.
He is a retired journalist and editor of “CALCUTTA CANVAS” and “INDUS CHRONICLE”. He is a bilingual poet. He has contributed to various anthologies published in India and abroad. His poems are translated into Hindi, Punjabi, Assamese, Italian, French, German, Polish, Persian, Serbian, Arabic, Hebrew, Malay, Mandarin, Romanian, Spanish, Azerbaijani, Russian, Uzbek, Kirghiz, Greek, Swedish, Norwegian, Chinese, Catalan and Albanian.
“SAVAGE WIND” is his first poetry book, a bilingual edition, translated into Spanish by Mexican poet Josep Juarez. This has a separate edition published by Altaspera Publishing &Literary Agency INC, in Canada and distributed by LULU, IE under separate ISBN. The Italian version of “SAVAGE WIND” is published from Italy with Italian translation by poet Elisa Mascia, Italy. Arabic edition is published from Jordan translated by poet Nizar Sartawi into Arabic.
“SONG OF PEBBLES” is his second book, a bilingual edition, translated into French by Marjorie Meetoo from Mauritius. Published from Kolkata, India.
He thankfully acknowledges the Editors of the following anthologies and web places for being the first publisher of a few of his poems---GLOMAG (Ed. Glory Sasikala ), VASUDHA-2(Ed. Gayatri Mavuru),TUNES FROM THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT and WHISPERS TO THE WORLD, (both the books are Edited by Fabrizio Frosini, USA/Italy, translated into Italian).
FM 26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/35/36 (Ed. Rose Terranova Cirigliano, USA), WORLD HEALING WORLD PEACE-2018(Ed. William S.Peters,Sr, USA, Inner Child Press), LOVE POSTCARDS,(Ed. Alicja Maria Kuberska. Poland, USA). POETRY THE BEST OF 2020, Ed. Dr,HULYA n.Yilmaz,USA. LOVE IN SUMMER, Ed Rini Valentina, Indonesia. THE MONSTER 2020, Ed, Aruna Sri Medipally, India. THE POET, Autumn 2020, Ed ROBIN, United Kingdom. OPEN DOOR magazine, USA/UK, Edited jointly by Kassie J Runyan and Melanie Haagman. METAFORA WSPOTCZESNOSCI-2018 & 2019 (Polish anthology) COMPIANATUL MODIAL DE POESIE (Romanian Anthology-2018), WARRIORS WITH WINGS, (Ed, MIcheal Lee Johnson, USA), LI POETRY-October,2019, Taiwan (Mandarin translation of SAVAGE WIND-Ed. Lee Kuei-shien). ATUNIS GALAXY ANTHOLOGY-2020, Contemporary World Poetry (Ed .Agron Shele. Belgium, USA)
THE STATESMAN, Festival Special Issue- 2018/2019 (Kolkata, India), THE DAILY OBSERVER, (Dhaka Bangladesh), Special poetry page on world Poetry, 2019/2020, Special page on GAZA/2021
AZAHAR-(Spanish E-Zine) Espana. OUR POETRY ARCHIVE, India(E-Zine) , Cajun Mutt Press, USA(E-Zine). SPILLWORDS (E-Zine) UK, RAVENCAGEZINE (Ed, Jerry Langdon) Germany.
PAN INDIAN POETRY IN ENGLISH SPANNING FIRST TWO DECADES OF 21st CENTURY, (Anthology) (Ed, Basudeb Chakraborty & J.S. Anand), New Delhi.
GloMag (print version), Chennai India, edited by Glory Sasikala.
Photography, paintings and poetry are his passions. He believes poetry is a pure language game of inner soul and inspiration from human emotions.
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical